Wednesday, April 25, 2007

moving on phase one

i finally decided to move on. after hearing stories from my friends regarding wha he has ben saying lately. i kind of realize how unworthy he is.

a couple of weeks back, i had all these feeling mixed up that i was all confused and depressed, butnow, there is only one feeling left: ANGER.

yeah, im mad. im fucking mad at him. damn. i wont go into details why, if youre my friend you've probably heard me babble about why im hating him so much.

question: would you ever forgive him and be friends again?
answer: yes, i would, and we will. but not anytime soon.

so this is phase one.
1. erase his number on your conacts (and his mother's number too)
2. erase all his messages, ergardless of its nature.
3. delete all congratulatory messages you recieve when you announced that you were together.
4. get rid of all your pictures together. if its a group picture, keep only those you look good in or those he looks stupid and foolish in.
5. whenever you remember those good times you had with him, counter-think it with all the bad and sucky things he did to you before you broke up.
6. think of revenge plans
7. start checking out other guys. you may not be committing soon, but atleast you get your hopes up in finding somebody decent, if there is any.
8. prepare yourself for the coming school year, emotionally.
9. when all you find yourself relapsing, drown the feeling in alcohol, or sleep.

phase one, go.

1 comment:

Fj-3 said...

Sorry kung ngayon ko lang nabasa. heheh. =)

But wow, is this an official list or something? Should I do this if ever I have to complete "phase one"?

Heheh. XD =)

What phase are you in right now? =)